台風6号 奄美直撃後に九州上陸へ

午前5時現在、中心気圧は970hPa、中心付近の最大風速は30m/s、最大瞬間風速は45m/ s。奄美地方南部と沖縄本島地方が風速25m/s以上の暴風域に入っている。

【2023年08月05日05時33分 気象庁発表】



奄美地方、沖縄地方 30メートル(45メートル)
九州南部 20メートル(30メートル)

奄美地方、沖縄地方 30メートル(45メートル)
九州南部 24メートル(35メートル)

九州南部、奄美地方 25から29メートル(35から45メートル)

奄美地方、沖縄地方 11メートル
九州南部 7メートル

奄美地方 11メートル
九州南部、沖縄地方 9メートル

九州南部、奄美地方、沖縄地方 9メートルを超える
四国地方、九州北部地方 6から8メートル


奄美地方、沖縄地方 300ミリ
九州南部 200ミリ

九州南部 200から300ミリ
東海地方、近畿地方、四国地方、奄美地方 100から200ミリ
九州北部地方 100から150ミリ
沖縄地方 50から100ミリ

東海地方、近畿地方、四国地方、九州北部地方、九州南部 200から300ミリ
奄美地方 100から200ミリ



Typhoon No. 6 is moving eastward over the East China Sea. As of 5:00 AM, the central pressure is 970 hPa, with maximum sustained winds near the center at 30 m/s and maximum gusts of 45 m/s. The southern parts of the Amami Islands and the Okinawa Main Island region are currently experiencing strong winds exceeding 25 m/s.

Although the typhoon’s intensity has slightly weakened, it remains powerful, and there is a possibility of it intensifying again over the Pacific after directly impacting the Amami Islands on Sunday the 6th. Following that, it is expected to change its course to the north and make landfall in either Miyagi or Kagoshima Prefecture on Wednesday the 9th, traversing Kyushu. Due to the slow movement of the typhoon, the impacts such as heavy rain, strong winds, and high waves may persist for an extended period.

[Announcement by the Japan Meteorological Agency on August 5, 2023, at 5:33 AM]
In the Okinawa and Amami regions, please exercise extreme caution against strong winds, high waves, high tides, mudslides, lowland inundation, and river flooding throughout the day on the 6th. Additionally, be aware that a linear rainband may develop over these regions, rapidly increasing the risk of heavy rainfall disasters during the afternoon of the 5th in Okinawa and from the afternoon to midday on the 6th in the Amami region.

[Typhoon’s Current Status and Forecast]
Typhoon No. 6, as of 4:00 AM on the 5th, was located north of Kume Island, moving at approximately 10 kilometers per hour in the northeast direction. The central pressure is 970 hPa, and within 220 kilometers to the east and 165 kilometers to the west of the center, winds exceeding 25 meters per second are observed, creating violent gusts.

The typhoon is expected to closely approach the Okinawa and Amami regions on the 6th. Afterward, it is projected to strengthen and move northward over the sea south of Japan, with the possibility of approaching western Japan.

[Disaster Preparedness Measures]
<Strong Winds and High Waves>
In the Okinawa region, there are violent winds with the potential to cause injuries from flying objects and overturning of trucks, leading to extremely rough seas. In the Amami region, very strong winds are prevailing, resulting in high waves.

Throughout the day on the 6th, violent winds and very rough seas are expected in the Okinawa and Amami regions. Additionally, on the 6th, very strong winds and very rough seas are anticipated in southern Kyushu.

Expected maximum wind speeds (maximum gusts) on the 5th:
Amami Region, Okinawa Region: 30 meters per second (45 meters per second)
Southern Kyushu: 20 meters per second (30 meters per second)

Expected maximum wind speeds (maximum gusts) on the 6th:
Amami Region, Okinawa Region: 30 meters per second (45 meters per second)
Southern Kyushu: 24 meters per second (35 meters per second)

Expected maximum wind speeds (maximum gusts) on the 7th:
Southern Kyushu, Amami Region: 25 to 29 meters per second (35 to 45 meters per second)

Expected wave heights on the 5th, with swells:
Amami Region, Okinawa Region: 11 meters
Southern Kyushu: 7 meters

Expected wave heights on the 6th, with swells:
Amami Region: 11 meters
Southern Kyushu, Okinawa Region: 9 meters

Expected wave heights on the 7th, with swells:
Southern Kyushu, Amami Region, Okinawa Region: Exceeding 9 meters
Shikoku Region, Northern Kyushu Region: 6 to 8 meters

Please refrain from non-essential outings and take strict precautions against violent winds. Be extra vigilant against high waves with swells.

<Heavy Rain, Thunder, and Squalls>
Due to the typhoon’s core and developing rain clouds in the vicinity, the Okinawa and Amami regions may experience very heavy rain with thunderstorms and intense rainfall throughout the day on the 6th.

Expected rainfall in the 24 hours until 6:00 AM on the 6th:
Amami Region, Okinawa Region: 300 millimeters
Southern Kyushu: 200 millimeters

Expected rainfall in the 24 hours until 6:00 AM on the 7th:
Southern Kyushu: 200 to 300 millimeters
Tokai Region, Kinki Region, Shikoku Region, Amami Region: 100 to 200 millimeters
Northern Kyushu Region: 100 to 150 millimeters
Okinawa Region: 50 to 100 millimeters

Expected rainfall in the 24 hours until 6:00 AM on the 8th:
Tokai Region, Kinki Region, Shikoku Region, Northern Kyushu Region, Southern Kyushu Region: 200 to 300 millimeters
Amami Region: 100 to 200 millimeters

Please be cautious against mudslides, lowland inundation, and river flooding. Pay attention to intense squalls and lightning strikes. If there are signs of developing cumulonimbus clouds, take measures to secure safety, such as moving indoors.

Moreover, as moist air from around the typhoon flows into the Pacific side of western and eastern Japan, rainfall may start before the typhoon approaches, and areas facing the southeast slopes could experience a significant amount of rainfall.

<High Tide>
Due to the overlap of the typhoon’s impact and the period of spring tide, some areas in the Okinawa and Amami regions may experience high tide. On the 5th in Okinawa and on the 6th in the Amami region, please be vigilant against flooding caused by high tides and the combination of high tides with waves.

Stay informed about the latest weather updates and advisories from local authorities and meteorological agencies. Take all necessary precautions to ensure your safety and the safety of others during this typhoon event.

