歴代最強クラスで上陸する恐れ 台風10号





Typhoon No. 10, Now a Very Powerful Storm, Stalls Near Amami Oshima

As of 10:00 PM on the 27th, Typhoon No. 10, which has intensified into a very strong storm, remains stationary near Amami Oshima in Kagoshima Prefecture. A key characteristic of this typhoon is its slow movement, raising concerns that its impact could be prolonged.

Radar imagery distinctly shows the eye of the typhoon, underscoring its powerful intensity. Currently, heavily developed rain clouds are observed on the southern and eastern sides of the system.

In southern Kyushu, total rainfall due to the typhoon’s approach is expected to reach up to 1,000 millimeters, with the potential for record-breaking heavy rainfall. Authorities are urging strict caution against landslides, flooding in low-lying areas, and river surges or overflows.

The center of the typhoon is currently located over the waters northeast of Amami Oshima, with little movement observed. By tomorrow, Wednesday, the typhoon is expected to slowly progress northward, reaching its peak intensity near Toshima Village in Kagoshima Prefecture. The central pressure is forecasted to drop to 935 hPa as it moves northward, slightly weakening but still maintaining significant strength. By 9:00 PM on Thursday, it is projected to approach the vicinity of Amakusa City in Kumamoto Prefecture. The storm’s intensity at landfall could be among the strongest on record.

The typhoon is expected to shift its course eastward, crossing through western Japan. If it follows the center of the forecast track, it could reach the Kanto region by Sunday. However, the forecast cone for Saturday and Sunday is broad, indicating uncertainty in the typhoon’s path. Should it take the northernmost route, it could move into the Sea of Japan, while the southernmost route would see it passing through the Izu Islands.

